Why can't I add a contact to a product?

If you add a contact to a product they're not eligible for, you will see a reason in the "Add to product preview". Here's a list of all the reasons and how to fix them


  • An unfulfilled product relationship is blocking the purchase
    • Add the contact to the required product first
  • A merchandise product is out of stock
    • Set the merchandise stock levels in Settings > Products > Details
  • The product is hidden
    • Check the Product settings, under details to make sure the product isn't hidden: hiddenslider


  • Contact does not fit the age restrictions


  • There is a required product relationship that the contact is not eligible for


  • The contact is already on the schedule for the product
    • If you need to bill again for this product, you can choose the option "None, just raise the invoice" to raise an ad hoc payment separate from the schedule