How do I set age restrictions?

Age restrictions are used to stop people of the wrong age signing up, or renewing for your products

Setting up your age restrictions is easy and can be set up through products. You can set age restrictions down to the month, and also set them to run against a fixed date, meaning you can use it to manage school years or "Under" age groups.


  • Navigate to Settings > Products
  • On the left sidebar, select the relevant product group or product
  • Choose "Age restrictions"
  • Set the required age
    • The number of months should be set to 11 months for your maximum age
    • You can set the years and months here. Please note that the maximum value for months is 12, so for 18 months, you'll need to choose 1 year and 6 months
  • Click "Save"

'As Of' and ' Date on which to consider the next 'as of date' '

If you need to set an age restriction that lasts for the year, you can use the 'As of' function to set a fixed date that the age restrictions are calculated on. 

If you are running a year long season for an Under 10s team, you don't want the system to block registrants as soon as they reach their 10th birthday. Instead, you want it to check if they were the correct age against a fixed date, in this case: 9 years old on the 31st of August. 

By setting the As of date, LoveAdmin will check if they are within the age restrictions on that date only. 

Note: The age for a school year and an "Under" team, should be set to the day before the school year or season begins. 

A child whose birthday is on the 1st of September is in the same year and season as child born on the 31st of August. All children in a school year are the same age on the last day of that school year. 

Unless told otherwise, the age restriction will always look back to the last time that date occurs. You can use the ' date on which to consider the next 'as of date' ' to decide when LoveAdmin will look to the next instance for the 'As of date'. 

For example, if you are looking to have new sign ups for next season from the 1st of July, for a season that starts on the 1st of September, you can set the 'date on which to consider the next 'as of date' to 1st of July, and LoveAdmin will begin to look at the coming 31st of August instead. This will allow your age restrictions to continue to work ahead of your next season.