How do I assign coaches to schedules and/or products?

Assigning your coaches to specific schedules and products enables your coaching staff to access team and member details. This article will guide you through the process of doing this.

Once you've given the coaching staff role to your coaches, you can assign them to particular schedules or to the product itself. This allows coaches to log in to LoveAdmin and access the Timetable, Fixtures & Calendar to view their assigned sessions and the Contacts page to see the members associated with their product.

Coaches will log in to LoveAdmin via the URL:

Assigning Coaches to a product

In some cases, you may need to assign a coach directly to the product. This is how you will assign coach permissions to non-scheduled products, such as Subscriptions. This option only allows coaches to see and manage contacts through the 'Contacts' section. 


  1. Navigate to Settings > Products
  2. Click the product you need to assign the coach to 
  3. Select the 'Permissions' tab along the top
  4. Tick the checkbox next to the coaches name


Assigning a coach to a session or full schedule

Note: The option to assign coaches will only be available once you set the required number of coaches within the Details section of the product settings, within 'If there is a number of coaches required to run this session, input the number here".



  • Navigate to Settings > Schedules
  • Find the schedule you want to assign your coach(es) to
  • On the right side, under "Action" click the Assign Coaches Icon: assigncoachicon
  • You can click to assign coaches to the entire schedule or click on 'Update individual sessions' to select the entries you'd like to assign the coach to and select the individual sessions within the schedule and click on 'Assign coach'. 

Coaches names will appear in the timetable once they have been assigned as highlighted below.