How do I assign coaches to schedules and/or products?

Assigning your coaches to specific schedules and products enables your coaching staff to access team and member details


Note: Coaches will log in to LoveAdmin via

Assigning Coaches to a product

In some cases, you may need to assign a coach directly to the product. This is how you will assign coach permissions to non-scheduled products, such as Subscriptions. This option only allows coaches to see and manage contacts through the 'Contacts' section. 




  1. Navigate to Settings > Products
  2. Click the product you need to assign the coach to 
  3. Select the 'Permissions' tab along the top
  4. Tick the checkbox next to the coaches name



Assigning a coach to a session or full schedule




  • Navigate to Settings > Schedules
  • Find the schedule you want to assign your coach(es) to
  • On the right side, under "Action" click the Assign Coaches Icon: assigncoachicon
  • You can click to assign coaches to the entire schedule or click on 'Update individual sessions' to select the sessions you'd like to assign the coach to.
  • Click 'Update [Schedule Name] coaches'

Once coaches have been assigned, their names will be displayed in the timetable, as illustrated below: