How do I set up a priority discount?

By assigning a priority to your discounts, you can control which discount is applied when a customer qualifies for multiple discounts

Setting up a priority discount is only needed if you are offering more than one discount on a product and there is any likelihood that a customer may qualify for more than one of these discounts

If you choose to not set a priority discount, the customer will receive all discounts that they are eligible for.

Before you can apply a 'priority' discount, you will need to set up your discount strategies. For more information on how to set up your discount, click here



  1. Navigate to Settings > Products
  2. Select a product from the left-side menu
  3. Expand the 'discounts' section 
    Note: You will need to have more than one discount applied 
  4. Under the 'Product Discount Priority', choose the discount you would like to prioritise from the dropdown