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JoinIn user guide: How do I upload and share a file with my club/organisation?
This article will cover how to upload a document to your JoinIn account and how to share this with your chosen club/organisation
Uploading a file
- Log in to JoinIn via this link: https://app.joinin.online/#/app/joinin/login
- Once logged in, select the contact from:
- The main Dashboard:
- The 'Friends and Family' Section in the left-side menu:
- The main Dashboard:
- Select the 'Files' tab
- Choose a file type from the dropdown and select the 'Click to Upload' button
- Select the relevant file from your device and click 'open'
Sharing a file
Now that the file has been uploaded, you can choose to share this with your club/organisation.
- Click the share icon
- Select the organisation you wish to share the file with