Why can't I see my product in the shop?

This article will help you to troubleshoot the common reasons for why your products may not be showing the shop

There are a few options in your product settings that can affect products appearing in your JoinIn shop. This article will help identify what those settings might be, and how to fix them. 

  • Product Status
    • Is not public
    • Product visibility is set to hidden
    1. Schedule
      • There is no available schedule
      • The schedule is private
      • The schedule is too far in the future
      • The rolling schedule hasn't triggered yet
      • The start and end dates aren't correct
      • Dates have been excluded (individually or via an exclusion calendar)

    2. Shop Tiles
      • The product is not connected to a shop tile
      • Shop tile has the wrong view
      • Shop tile is hidden 
      • Shop tile has no image and a hidden label

    Are the Product Settings Correct?

    Settings > Products

    Product Status

    If you want to make a product publicly available in your shop for new, and existing customers, then product status must be Public. 

    If your product is Private, a yellow exclamation mark indicator will appear beside it, as shown below.

    The product status can be changed within the Details tab of the product settings. 

    Product Visibility


    Also within the Details tab is the visibility toggle which can be used to hide items from the shop while you make changes to them. If the toggle is set to "Hidden", the product will not be visible in the shop. Click the toggle to change the setting.

    visibility toggle

    Are the Schedules set up correctly?

    Settings > Schedule


    No Schedule

    A class or event product will not show in the shop if it is missing a schedule, the schedule has ended or if the schedule does not start soon enough. 

    If you need to create or manage a schedule, read our help article here.

    The Schedule is Private

    Check that the schedule status is set to public.

    Advance Days Shown in Shop

    On each schedule, there is an option in the bottom left, called 'Advance days shown in shop'. If the value entered here does not reach the start date of the schedule, the product will not appear in the shop. To adjust, simply change the number in the box and click "Save".



    Rolling Schedule has Triggered Yet

    If you are running a rolling schedule, you may find that the start date is too far in the future for any calendar entries to be generated. You can just wait and as the start date approaches, the calendar entries will be generated and the product will appear in the shop. Alternatively, increase the rolling schedule length now.

    The Start and End Dates aren't Correct

    The start and end dates need to have possible sessions occur between them. If you have a session set to run on a Monday, but the start and end dates do not contain a Monday, nothing will generate.


    Caution: The date in the box refers to 0:00 on that day. This means that the "Until" date will not be inclusive of that date.

    If you have a session that needs to be from Monday the 1st until Sunday the 7th, the "Until date" will need to be the 8th. 

    Another example. is a one day event, cannot be listed as Starting: "01 Jan 22" Until "01 Jan 22". In this instance, we suggest using a Custom Schedule instead.

    The Sessions are Excluded

    With exclusions on schedules, it can be possible to have dates set on the calendar, but to have dates that would show, or all dates set as excluded. Ensure that the exclusions match your desired settings for the product to appear in the shop.

    Are the Shop Tiles correct?
    Settings > Products

    Your product needs to be connected to a shop tile to appear in the shop. To check if it connected:
    • Navigate to Home > Settings > Products
    • Select your product and open the Shop tab in the product settings
    • If your product is not linked to a shop tile, then select the appropriate one

    If a shop tile here appears as "Unsupported", look below to solve this issue.

    Settings > Organisation > Shop Tiles

    There are two other possible issues regarding shop tiles:

    The Shop Tile View is incorrect

    • If this is the case, change the "View" to another type:
      • Product - Use for Memberships/Subscriptions, Merchandise or Money products.
      • Session - Use for Pay As You Go classes or events
      • Week Calendar - Use for Recurring classes or events
      • Entire Schedule - Use for multi-day events or classes where participants need to attend multiple sessions each week.
    The Shop Tile is not visible

    If the shop tile has "Hide label?" ticked and no image uploaded, it will not be visible in the shop. Either unticking "Hide label?" or uploading a shop image will solve this issue.


    For full help setting up your shop, read our help article here.