How do I add closure dates to my schedules?

LoveAdmin allows you to create calendars that can be used to add holidays and exclusion dates to the schedules you are managing.

Custom calendars are designed to work with your schedules to ensure that bookings occur on valid dates and that your billing is accurately calculated.

Close dates can be set up individually or by a custom calendar that allows you to share the same close dates across multiple schedules.


Tip: We recommend setting up and reviewing custom calendars at the start of every term or year to ensure you have the latest exclusions dates included.

Important: Exclusions are used to mark dates on a schedule that you do not want to run. If you want to cancel a session that has already been created or has contacts on the schedule, you'll need to cancel the session instead.

Please read our 'How do I cancel or edit a session' for guidance on how to do this.

How to Create a Custom Calendar for Exclusions


  • Navigate to Home > Settings > Schedules
  • Click on the Exclusion dates tab and click on the 'Add Exclusion Calendar' button
  • Give your calendar a name, for example 'School holidays' or 'Winter break' and Save

  • Use the 'Add a single date' and 'Add a date range of date' date picker to select all dates you need to add to your calendar
    • After selecting a date or date range, click on "Save" to add it to your calendar. You can come back to this page at any time to add more exclusion dates to the calendar, and it will update all schedules to which it has been applied.

Adding the exclusion/holiday calendars to your schedules

Once you have created an exclusion calendar, you can apply it to your existing schedules in the ways detailed below.


From Settings > Schedules > Exclusion Dates

  • Select the 'Apply Calendar to Schedules' button
  • Tick the checkbox next to the schedules you wish to assign the exclusion dates to
    • You can use the 'Select all' button to highlight every schedule
  • Click 'Assign'

    Note: This will tie the schedule to that custom calendar. Any changes made to the custom calendar will affect this schedule.

    How to add schedule-specific exclusions

    If you have a single schedule that requires its own exclusions, you can add the exclusion dates directly to the schedule.

    Adding an exclusion calendar

    • Navigate to Settings > Schedules
    • Click the 'edit schedule' icon
    • Navigate to the 'Excluded dates' tab
    • Select the Calendar
    • Click Save

    Adding individual dates

    • Navigate to Settings > Schedules
    • Find the schedule you'd like to add this and under "Action" click the edit schedule icon: editschicon
    • Click "Excluded dates" 
    • Input the date range or add individual exclusion dates
    • Click the icon to save the individual dates
    • Click the blue 'Save' button to update and close the schedule