Sales Settlement Report

The Sales Settlement Report helps you to reconcile payments received to your organisation's bank account with the payments they relate to in LoveAdmin

To find your sales settlement report navigate to Home > Reports> Financials > Sales Reports > Sales Settlement.

Tip: Select the products from the side-menu to see the product details in the reports.

You have the flexibility to customise the "Group by" option to view settled payments by day, week, month, quarter, or financial year.

Additionally, you can adjust the date range and choose the number of comparative periods to display, with a maximum of four.



By clicking on the figures highlighted in blue, you can access a comprehensive breakdown of the transactions. This detailed view allows you to view the invoice number, the contact record of the account owner, export the information to Excel, and even send a message directly to the account owner.

Note: There may be small rounding differences between the LoveAdmin reports and what is settled by the payment provider.


Note: You can adjust your financial year in Settings > Organisation > Account / Billing.