Subscriptions Report & Editing Start and End Dates

The subscriptions report can be used to track and edit the start and end dates for your memberships/subscriptions


  • Navigate to Home > Reports > Subscriptions
    • Active and paid - Use this filter to identify all people that have had their payments completed, and settled to your designated account
    • Awaiting payment completion - Use this filter to see all people whose payments may still be pending, or failed

Editing Start and End Dates

You can also use the report tile to adjust start and end dates of your subscriptions.

Important: Editing subscription dates should not be used to manage renewals of your subscriptions. Subscription settings should always be managed under your product management section. 


  • Navigate to Home > Reports Subscriptions
  • Select the people you need to make the subscription edit for
  • Use the 'Edit start date' and 'Edit end date' button in the menu and set these accordingly