How do I manage Invoices?

The invoices section helps you to view and manage all invoices raised for your products and services

The Invoices section can be found by navigating to Sales Admin > Invoices


Tip: If you're looking to cancel an invoice, refund a payment, raise a credit note or take an offline payment, scroll down to "Invoice Actions" below for details.

Invoice search and filter

You can set the Invoice date range or search using the direct debit mandate reference

Use the magnifying glass icon in the column headers, such as Invoice number or Amount invoiced, to refine your searches or look for specific results.



    • Invoice creation date - The date and time the invoice was created and issued
    • Invoice number - The unique identifier for the invoice. To view further details click directly on the invoice number in the 'Invoice number' column.
      • The payer is the person the invoice was sent to (the User). This may not be the same as the beneficiary who is the person the payment is associated with. 

        For example, a parent may be the payer but the beneficiary is the daughter attending the class. 

    • Status - The status of that invoice:
      • Outstanding - The invoice has been raised and is waiting for the payer to initiate their payment, or is waiting for a pending payment to clear
      • Reconciled - The invoice has been issued and all payments have been settled
      • Reconciled overpaid - The invoice has been issued and payments have been settled, however, the amount has been overpaid by the payer. This can typically occur if a person has been making partial payments
      • Refunded - The total amount from the invoice that was refunded back to the payer
      • Partially refunded -  The invoice has had less than the full amount refunded
      • Partially credited - The invoice has had less than the full amount credited
      • Credited - The full cost of the invoice has been credited 
        • The system will automatically retry payment collections every 24 hours if payers have a mandate set up. For more information on mandates, click here.
      • Cancelled by organisation - The invoice has been cancelled by the organisation.

    • Tax - This will mark how much of the collected payment is tax. You can see more about tax on LoveAdmin here
    • Received - When payments have been settled and successfully received by your organisation.
    • Pending - The payment has been initiated and the transaction processing cycle is underway. Direct debit will take a number of days to process and payout to your bank account. You can see the predicted collection date by clicking the "P" under "Action".
    • Refunded - The total amount from the invoice that was refunded back to the payer
    • Credited - The total amount of credit granted against this invoice
    • Disputed - There may be occasions when a payment has been formally disputed by a payer by contacting their bank or payment provider. For more information on disputes, click here.
    • Outstanding - The total amount from the invoice that is still outstanding. For example, there may be two payments of £50 associated with an invoice, totalling £100. If only one payment has been received, then £50 will still be received, and the other £50 will be outstanding.
    • Days Overdue - The Days Overdue column is the count of the days after the invoice was raised. An invoice is always "due" when it is raised. A mandated payment invoice, for example, those paid by direct debit, will show as overdue until the transaction is completed and reconciled. In most cases, it is settled in < 11 working days. More information on direct debit processing timelines can be found here.

    Invoice Actions

    To perform actions, such as raising credit notes and issuing refunds, use the relevant option from within the Actions column. If an action does not appear, it is because it is not possible.

    Tip: Hover your mouse over each abbreviated option in the Actions column to view its full label

    • Payment Timeline (PT) - The payment timeline displays a timeline of the transaction progress. A pending transaction means that the payment is in progress and awaiting an outcome.
    • Payments (P) - View the equivalent Payments information for this invoice.
      • Failed payment - The payment transaction failed during the processing cycle. To view payment failure details, like on the 'P' link in the Actions column. A full article on failed payments and what to do about them is here
    • Raise credit note (RC) - You can raise a credit note against a contact using this option. The credit can be used to offset future invoice amounts. 
    • Cancel - Cancel the invoice and payment collection
    • Offline - Mark the full, or partial, payment of this invoice through means outside of your online payment provider. This can only be done if no payment has been attempted. If you need to create a special contact that will only be used for offline payments, view our full article here

    Note: Refunding is managed through "Sales Admin > Payments" or can be accessed by clicking the "P" under "Action" on the invoice.