JoinIn user guide: How do I assign my emergency contacts?

This article will guide you through the easy process of assigning your emergency contacts.




1. Log in to your JoinIn account at

2. Access the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.

3. Navigate to the Account > Contacts section.

4. Click on the profile of the contact whom you want to assign as an emergency contact.

    • If you don't have any additional contacts yet, you can add them by selecting the 'Add contact' button in the top right.

5. Check the box next to 'Emergency contact'.

6. Click on 'Submit'

7. That's it! You have successfully assigned your emergency contacts.



Note: Your emergency contacts can also be managed as part of the checkout process. For more information on this, please view our full 'checkout guide'

Tip: From this section, you can also enable your friends/family to receive copies of emails. For more information on this, click here