Sales Admin - Payments

Monitor the status of all payment activities, including online, offline, and account credit transactions, across your organisation. Additionally, easily process refunds for payments as needed.

The Payments section of your LoveAdmin account can be found by navigating to Home > Sales Admin > Payments


The Payments page will display key information about pending, completed, cancelled or refunded payments. It's also where you can trigger refunds for your customers. You sort, filter or search each of the headings below to manage your data.


Payment creation date - The date and time the payment was created

Payment ID - Every payment on your account will have a unique payment ID

Invoice number - Every invoice will have a unique invoice reference #

Account owner - The payer is the account owner/user who made the payment. For example, this

could be the mother of a child paying registration fees for the new football season

Payment Provider - The name of the payment provider used to make the payment

Amount invoiced - The total amount due on the invoice

Transaction fees - The LoveAdmin and Payment Provider's service fee, if the payment was made online through a payment provider

Predicted collection date - The estimate for when the payment will be collected and received into the bank account associated with the Payment Provider.

Status - The status of the payment, and whether this has been completed, is pending, cancelled or refunded.

Actions - allows you to show references, show the payment timeline, refund the payment or retry a failed payment.


Tip: You can adjust the timeframe for visible payments at the top of the page by changing the dates in the "Payments made between" date boxes.