How do I set up a class?

This article will cover how to set up ongoing activities, such as weekly classes and sessions

If you need to set up a one-off event, such as a camp or  click here for more information


Steps to create a Class product


  • Navigate to Home > Settings > Products
  • Click 'Add product' at the top-right of your screen
  • Click create a 'product' 
  • Choose Class from the 'type of product' dropdown
  • Give the class a name, for example; 'Age 4-6'
  • Add the product to an existing class product group, if you have one (leave this blank if you do not)
  • Assign a price per:
    • session - a cost per each individual date, e.g. £30 for each camp day
    • schedule - a cost for a whole schedule of dates, e.g. £90 for all 3 camp days
  • Click 'Add New Product' 


Once you have added the class product, you will need to go through and determine the product settings, such as the forms and capacity levels. Each product setting is outlined below.


Class Product Settings


Once you have added the class product, you will need to go through and determine the product settings, such as the billing and capacity. Each product setting is outlined below.


In Details, you can:

  • Choose an image to represent the product in your shop
  • Set the product name
  • Set the shop status
  • Set if there is a minimum or maximum purchase quantity, per customer


The pricing will already have been set when you first created the product, but you can also choose to:

  • Add a description - internal use only
  • Set a specific tax rate for the item 


For more information on setting up discounts, click here



Select your billing options:

  • Single Payment/Weekly/Monthly/Annually - The most common setting for recurring classes will be 'monthly'
  • 'Approve purchase before payment?': 
    • If 'Yes', orders will come through to you for approval before the customer is charged
    • If, 'no', payment will be taken at checkout
  • 'Collect payments automatically':
    • If 'Yes', payment will start as soon as the person completes checkout, or the order is approved
    • If 'No', the payment will not start until the customer logs into their JoinIn account and selects 'pay now'
  • Choose whether you are accepting payments for the class in instalments 
  • Tick the payment provider you will be using to collect payments for the event
  • Switch on the auto-renew setting if the product will be being on a recurring basis
  • 'Suspend billing until': This will prevent anyone being able to complete a booking before the date entered. If you don't want the class to be purchasable just yet, we'd advise simply changing the product status to 'private'



Assign customer forms to the event product. Forms can be used to collect information about the attendees, you can view form answers on your CRM, in the timetable or directly in the contact record.

For more information on setting up forms, click here



Choose from the consents you have added to your system, and whether consent is not asked, optional, or required when customers book onto the class.

For more information on consents click here


Emergency Contacts

Enter the value of required emergency contacts. Customers will be required to enter details for that number of contacts when they go through checkout.


Required Files

Select whether your customers need to upload a file to purchase the class, and select the file type (e.g. proof of age)

For more information click here

Product fields

For more information about setting up product data forms and adding product fields, click here


Product relationships

Create different relationships with certain products to make sure users have all required purchases or memberships before they can complete checkout.

For more information click here


Age Restrictions

Restrict who can purchase the class using age restrictions.

For more information, click here



Set a minimum and maximum capacity for the class, as required. You can also choose to set the capacity on the schedule, which will override any capacity applied in the product settings.


Waiting Lists

If required, enable a waiting list for your event once the maximum capacity has been reached

For more information, click here



To make the class available to purchase in the shop, you need to assign it to a shop tile

The shop tile view will need to be either Session, Week Calendar or Entire Schedule, depending on the type of schedule you have created, the pricing option you have chosen and how you would like it to display in the shop. We'd advise trying out different shop 'views' to see which one works best for you.



Once your product settings have been defined, you will need to set up a schedule before customers can book onto your class. In most cases, you will want to use a 'recurring' schedule type for a class or session. Watch our short video guide below for more information on how to set up a recurring schedule: